
The 80th Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet of the IEEE Ottawa Section 

Please plan to join us for the 80th Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet of the IEEE Ottawa section.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Sir Terry Matthews on “A Remarkable Journey”.  In the rapidly evolving world of technology, a select few visionaries leave a lasting global impact, shaping industries and inspiring …

Call for Nominations for the IEEE Ottawa Section Annual Awards 2024

IEEE Ottawa Section presents every year at its Awards Ceremony/Annual General Meeting (AGM) the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards as a corporate recognition for industry and organizations, and also a recognition for the Section members, volunteers, chapters, affinity groups and student branches. Please take this opportunity …

the ICF Scholarships Winners – 2024

Congratulations to Brian Yang and John Hiedra Primera, the student branch chairs of Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, respectively, for winning the ICF scholarships in recognition of their valued services and contributions to the IEEE Student branch.

IEEE Ottawa Section Executive Officers – Call for Nominations 2024

Given the elections could not be held at the AGM in October, the IEEE Ottawa Section is re-issuing the call for contested Candidate nominations for the 2024 IEEE Ottawa Section annual elections.  Subsequently, ballots for Executive Officers positions for a one-year term, starting January 1, …

IEEE Ottawa Section Awards Banquet Highlights

The 79th IEEE Ottawa Section Awards Banquet was held on October 20th in Shaw Centre’s beautiful Trillium Ballroom overlooking the Rideau Canal and several Ottawa landmarks.   It was well attended by people from academia, industry, and government with some attendees travelling from Montreal and other …

AGM 2023 – Celebrating Excellence

Explore the moments of recognition and corporate excellence at the IEEE Ottawa Section’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023. View the event photos showcasing the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards, a testament to the achievements of industry and organizations, as well as the dedicated contributions of Section …

Two IEEE Ottawa Members Elected to International IEEE Roles

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Wahab Almuhtadi on his election as 2024/2025 IEEE Canada President-Elect, and Dr. Winnie Ye on her election as the 2024/2025 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee Chair.  These remarkable achievement reflect their dedication, leadership and commitment to the IEEE community and the advancement …

IEEE WIE Ottawa Receives the 2020 WIE Canada Award!

We are glad to inform you that the IEEE WIE Ottawa Affinity Group is the winner of the 2020 IEEE WIE Canada Group of the Year Award for Large Sections. IEEE WIE Ottawa would like to thank everyone for the constant support. This achievement would not be possible without you all. Congratulations!

2020 Ottawa Photonics Student Paper Award

The IEEE Ottawa Photonics Chapter, is pleased to announce the winner of the 2020 Ottawa Photonics Student Paper Award

First Place: Nikaya Snell, 

Winning paper Nanowatt Thermal Radiation Sensing using Silicon Nitride Nanomechanical Resonators

Second Place: Kate Fenwick, 

Winning paper Carving-out light: Configurable ultrafast pulse generation in single-mode fibre via …

IEEE Ottawa Section 76th Annual General Meeting

This year due to the public health concerns and restrictions on public gathering due to the COVID-19, 76th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the IEEE Ottawa Section will be held using virtual meeting tools on 5th November 2020 at 6:30 PM.  Registration is required to …