Officers > Responsibilities


Section Chair

The Section Chair shall exercise general supervision of the affairs of the Section in accordance with the policies and instructions of the Section Executive Committee. Subject to the approval of the Section Executive Committee, the Chair shall appoint the Chairs of all Standing Committees and ad hoc committees of the Section. The Chair shall be the official representative of the Section.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. In possession of and familiar with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, RAB Operations Manual and the Section Bylaws.
  2. Presides at meetings of the Section and the Section Executive Committee.
  3. Operates the section to maximize satisfaction of Section member needs with the resources available.
  4. Establishes and supports Chapters in his/her section for all societies having 12 or more interested members who reside in the Section.
  5. Establishes and supports Affinity Groups for those approved groups with 12 or more members interested in supporting such a group who reside in the Section.
  6. Develops and presents plans for meeting members’ needs to the Section Executive Committee for review.
  7. Identifies appropriate volunteers and presents their appointments to the Executive Committee for review.
  8. Insures that all Section Officers, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs are properly trained for their jobs.
  9. Signs L-50 financial report and confirms all reporting accurate and submitted in a timely manner.
  10. Insures satisfactory performance from the other Section Officers and the Section Committee Chairs.
  11. Appoints a Nominating Committee
  12. Prepares an annual report of Section Activities for submission to the Region.
  13. Represents the Section at all IEEE gatherings.
  14. Transfers Section records to the new Section Chair at the end of the year.

Section Vice-Chair

The Section Vice-Chair shall support the Chair in carrying out his/her duties, oversee Standing  Committees as directed by the Chair, and exercise such immediate duties as may be required in the absence or unavailability of the Chair.

Section Treasurer

The Section Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements in accordance with the Section budget, and such financial reports as may be required by the Section Executive Committee and by the IEEE Executive Committee.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Accurately maintains financial records for Section.
  2. Maintains bank accounts of Section funds.
  3. Processes bank account signature authority documentation for IEEE Staff Director, and Financial Services signature where local laws and regulations permit.
  4. Prepares the annual budget for submission to the Section Executive Committee.
  5. If a Finance Committee is in place, serves as Chair of that committee.
  6. Makes disbursements in accordance with the approved budget.
  7. Refers expenses outside the budget to the Section Chair for action.
  8. Insures that all Section expenditures and disbursements are made in accordance with IEEE policy.
  9. Is familiar with the relevant governance documents affecting financial operations, including but not limited to the RAB Operations Manual and the IEEE Policy & Procedures Manual.
  10. Prepares financial reports for the Section Chair, Section Executive Committee and Regional Director.
  11. Transfers Section financial records at the beginning and end of each year.
  12. Submits annual report of financial activity to the IEEE Operations Center and provides follow-up where necessary to confirm that the report has been approved.

Related documents: Expense Form.

Section Secretary

The Section Secretary shall record the minutes of all business meetings of the Section and of the Section Executive Committee. He/she shall make such reports of his/her activities as may be required by the IEEE Executive Committee and oversee Standing Committees as directed by the Chair. The Section shall retain a recorded copy of the minutes.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Accurately records minutes of all Section meetings.
  2. Distributes agenda and meeting notices for all Section meetings.
  3. Reports all Section and subunit meetings to the IEEE Regional Activities Department using the proper forms.
  4. Maintains all Section records.
  5. Notifies the IEEE Regional Activities Department of all changes in Section and subunit Officers.
  6. Maintains an adequate supply of all forms, stationary, and other materials required by the Section.
  7. Submits Section Bylaws to the IEEE Regional Activities Department and reports any revisions to be made to them.

Chapter Chair

The Chapter Chair is responsible for the proper functioning of a local chapter section.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. In possession of and familiar with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, RAB Operations Manual and the Section Bylaws (the Chapter is managed according to the administrative parent Section’s bylaws).
  2. Presides at meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Executive Committee.
  3. Operates the Chapter to maximize satisfaction of Chapter member needs with the resources available.
  4. Develops and presents plans for meeting members’ needs to the Chapter Executive Committee for review.
  5. Identifies appropriate volunteers and presents their appointments to the Chapter Executive Committee for review.
  6. Insures that all Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs are properly trained for their jobs.
  7. Signs off on financial report where appropriate and confirms all reporting accurate and submitted in a timely manner.
  8. Insures satisfactory performance from the other Chapter Officers and the Chapter Committee Chairs.
  9. Prepares an annual report of Chapter Activities for submission to the Section Secretary, Region and/or Society Chapter Coordinators.
  10. Represents the Chapter at all IEEE gatherings.
  11. Transfers Chapter records to the new Chapter Chair at the end of the year.

Related documents: L31 meeting forms.


The Electronics Communications Coordinator is responsible for facilitating the distribution of information and knowledge of the section to its members.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Is knowledgeable of IEEE governance documents as they relate to electronic communications, including but not limited to IEEE Policy & Procedures.
  2. Maintains or coordinates the maintenance of: Section access to membership data (SAMIeee);  Section email distribution list; and Section web page.
  3. Provides member contact data upon request to Section officers and Chapter Chairs.
  4. Periodically reviews member data and communicates concerns to IEEE Operations Center.
  5. Communicates regularly with Regional Electronic Communications Coordinator.
  6. Provides monthly or quarterly update to Section Executive Committee on status of Section’s electronic communications activity.
  7. Passes on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Educational Activities

The Educational Activities coordinator is responsible for promoting educational events at the sectional level.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Be aware of Section’s demographics with relation to membership employed by academia, industry, and government.
  2. With the approval of the Section Executive Committee, plan and execute training programs to address the technical and professional development of the membership
  3. Maintain information about Educational Activities through the IEEE Professional Development Institute (
  4. Where appropriate, maintain information about national society(ies) and their educational activities.
  5. Maintain information about area educational and training opportunities and promote these programs to the IEEE membership.
  6. Provide a regular report to the Section Executive Committee about status of Educational Activities programs in the Section and in the geographic area.
  7. Maintain communications with Regional Educational Activities contact.
  8. Passes on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Related document: Ottawa Section Educational Activities page.

Membership Development

The Membership Development coordinator is responsible for promoting membership drive events at the sectional level.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Receives monthly mailings of Section membership statistics from IEEE Operations Center.
  2. Maintains a current record of Section membership.
  3. Analyzes Section membership information and identifying membership problems and opportunities.
  4. Submits requests as needed for membership development materials, including posters and applications, to IEEE Operations Center staff.
  5. Communicates regularly with Regional Membership Development officer.
  6. Coordinates membership exhibits for local conferences, including but not limited to use of IEEE Cooperative Display program, soliciting materials for exhibits, identifying volunteers to staff booth.
  7. Maybe asked to manage Section membership database (SAMIeee).
  8. Serves as resource to members seeking information on Senior member elevations.
  9. Communicates regularly with GOLD and Student representatives as well as Chapter Chairs about membership recruitment and development opportunities within those groupings.
  10. Identifies opportunities for recruitment and elevation within the Section.
  11. Provides regular membership status report with recommendations to Section Executive Committee.
  12. Passes on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Student Activities

The Student Activities coordinator is responsible for managing all IEEE student activities at the section level.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Become familiar with IEEE Student Activities-related programs through contact with the Regional Student Activities Chair (RSAC), Regional Student Representative (RSR), the Student Concourse web site at and IEEE Student Services Staff.
  2. With the approval of the Section Executive Committee, plan and execute training programs to address the needs and concerns of Student members and promote active involvement with IEEE after graduation.
  3. Serve as liaison to Student Branch Counselors and Student Branch Chairs to maintain communication with the Section.
  4. Provide a regular report to the Section Executive Committee about the status of Student Activities programs in the Section and in the geographic area. Remind the Section that Sections receive a rebate for Student members.
  5. Pass on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Related document: Ottawa Section Student Branches.


The Major Events Activities Chair is responsible for organizing and arranging major events related to the IEEE Ottawa Section.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Activities, including but not limited to planning, organizing, controlling and keeping the executive updated as to fund raising and budgeting for planned major events such as the Ottawa Section 2004 – 60th anniversary activities, the 2006 CCECE conference and other conferences to be supported by IEEE Ottawa Section.
  2. Be aware of Section’s demographics with relation to membership employed by academia, industry, and government.  Where appropriate, coordinate with the Awards Activities Chair for special initiatives related to events.
  3. Where appropriate, maintain information about national society(ies) and our career development activities.  Develop past Section executive historical contribution for inclusion into Ottawa Section history portfolio.
  4. Maintain information about area expositions and conferences and where appropriate promote these to the IEEE membership.
  5. Submit regular report to Section Executive Committee on status of Section’s events activities and potential events to be considered for our membership’s benefit.  Contact outside organizations for partnering opportunities eg: OCRI.
  6. Maintain information about historic activities and coordinate with the IEEE-Canada initiatives to recognize Ottawa historic contribution.
  7. Passes on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Related document: Ottawa Section Current Events.


The Awards Activities Chair is responsible for organizing and arranging major award activities for the IEEE Ottawa Section.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Knowledgeable of IEEE governance documents as they relate to Awards & Recognition, including IEEE Bylaws, Policy & Procedures, and RAB Operations Manual.
  2. He / She shall maintain historical records of Section awards distributed.
  3. Submits any new Section award to RAB Awards & Recognition Committee for approval. Is knowledgeable of IEEE recognition products, including pins, plaques, certificates, etc., and process for ordering.
  4. The Activities Chair will draft a letter for recognition of newly elevated Senior members and Fellows for signature of Section Chair, and distribution by Section Secretary.
  5. Shall preside at meetings of the A&R Committee. Forwards recommendations to Section Executive Committee for approval. Provides regular report, including recommendations, to Section Executive Committee for information and, where appropriate, action.
  6. The Activities Chair will also solicits nominations for IEEE Institute-level Awards and Medals and will pass on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.
  7. Passes on to successor all relevant records of office at the end of term.

Related document: Ottawa Section Awards page.

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