This page is dedicated to gathering and presentation of the history of IEEE Ottawa Section. If you have related material that you want to provide through this page, please send them to
IEEE Ottawa Section History
Here is the great work of one of our Life Members, Dr. David Coll, to collate the history of the Ottawa Section and its members. DOC or PDF format.
History Links
- History of IEEE Canada
- IEEE History Center
- The Origins of IEEE
- The IEEE Virtual Museum
- The History of Electricity and the Technology Behind Your Everyday Appliances
History Articles
From Sections by Year of Formation:
Before 1963, local entities were creatures of the founder societies, American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). IRE Ottawa is founded on September 1944 and AIEE Ottawa on June 25, 1949.
From a Brief History of ECC:
The IEEE Eastern Canada Council (ECC) is one of three that make up IEEE Canada (Region 7 of IEEE). It convenes as a committee made up of executive representatives from the Montreal, Ottawa, Saint Maurice, Quebec, Canadian Atlantic, New Brunswick and Newfoundland & Labrador Sections. Its primary purpose is to assist in the development and expansion of communications and training of IEEE Council executives and to assist and encourage communication between the Sections within the Council and IEEE offices. Officially established on August 28, 1969, its original Bylaws were approved at the first meeting of Council on February 18, 1970.
The Ottawa Section is the second oldest ECC member, after Montreal, being founded in 1944. Being at the heart of Canada’s silicon valley, Ottawa hosts about 50% of the Council membership, thus making it the largest of the seven. The challenge of staying in touch with its members, has led to the launching of the IEEE Canada Electronic Newsletter. Through E-mail, this can reach out to all IEEE members across the country. With 19 technical Chapters, the Ottawa Section has been very active with education in the community and industry. A significant event for the Section, the city of Ottawa and indeed the country was when the IEEE designated the Alouette/IRIS Satellite Program as an International Milestone of Electrical Engineering.
Section’s Past Chairs