IEEE Ottawa Section presents every year at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) the annual IEEE Ottawa Section Awards as recognition for its members, volunteers, chapters, affinity groups and student branches as well as recognition and appreciation for the industry and organizations. Please take this opportunity to accomplish something good and of great value to our profession and engineering community by submitting your nominations to a colleague, group, company or organization for recognition by an award from our section. The IEEE awards serve these purposes:

  • A form of recognition for outstanding contributions,
  • An incentive to youth to emulate excellence,
  • A demonstration to the public of the achievements of the profession and its members, and
  • The identification of IEEE with these achievements.
Nominations Submission:
The nomination submission is online (for more details, please see below). The deadline for submitting nominations has been extended to Sunday, October 20th, 2024.
Members of the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards and Recognitions Committee are not eligible to be nominated or to be nominators or endorsers of a nominee for these IEEE Ottawa Section Awards. Self-nominations for any of these Awards will not be accepted.
The Award may be given annually, and only if a suitable individual is identified.
Nominee Solicitation:
Nominations will be openly solicited each year and decided by the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards and Recognitions Committee. The nomination online forms are available online at the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards website. A call for nomination will be sent via the IEEE Ottawa Section monthly e-Notice/Newsletter and will be posted on the Section website homepage.
The award will be presented at one of the IEEE Ottawa Section Annual General Meeting.
The Award will be published in the IEEE Ottawa Section Awards website, monthly e-Notice/Newsletter.

The Awards Ceremony will be held during our AGM on November 1, 2024.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Awards and Recognitions Committee Chair Wahab Almuhtadi.

Awards and Recognitions Committee

Winners of IEEE Ottawa Section Awards

Previous Years’ IEEE Ottawa Section Award Winners:

List of Awards

From the people you know, you are invited to make one or more nominations for the following awards:

Recognition The Industry and Organizations

Outstanding Technology Company Recognition Award

The Outstanding Technology Company Recognition Award is to recognize an industry or organization who has made an outstanding contribution to science, engineering, and technology. The Outstanding Technology Company Recognition Awards are in the following technology areas: Information and Communications Technology, High Technology, and Clean Technology.

The Outstanding Technology Company Recognition Award has the following three award categories:

  • Outstanding Information & Communications Technology Company Recognition Award
  • Outstanding High Technology Company Recognition Award
  • Outstanding Clean Technology Company Recognition Award

Award Criteria
The Award Committee of IEEE Ottawa Section selects the winners for the “IEEE Ottawa Section Outstanding Technology Company Recognition Award” based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation and patents
  • Products and technology
  • Benefits and services for the region, province, and country
  • Employment
  • Market driven strategy for the local and international industry

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Outstanding Information and Communications Technology Award
  • Outstanding High Technology Award
  • Outstanding Clean Technology Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Appreciation Award

The Appreciation Award is to appreciate an industry or organization, through service and outstanding contributions, has helped and supported the activities of IEEE Ottawa Section and its groups (Chapters, Affinity Groups, Committees, and Student Branches).

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Appreciation Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Recognition The Individuals

Outstanding Engineer Award

This Outstanding Engineer Award is to recognize an engineer who, through technical and professional abilities, has made outstanding and exceptional contributions to the profession. This is not a service award, and, as a result, non-technical contributions receive less weight during the award evaluation process.

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Outstanding Engineer Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Outstanding Engineering Educator Award

This Outstanding Engineering Educator Award is to recognize an educator who has shared technical and professional abilities through teaching in industry, government, or in an institution of higher learning and in so doing has made an outstanding contribution to the profession. This award recognizes educational contributions, whether made in formal academic settings or within government or industry. This award is not limited to teaching in academic institutions, but, rather, includes continuing education and other non-traditional educational opportunities.

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Outstanding Engineering Educator Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Outstanding Service Award

This Outstanding Service Award is to recognize a one who, through service, has made outstanding and extraordinary contributions to the engineering profession. Service contributions to other than IEEE units are welcome for consideration.

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Outstanding Service Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Outstanding IEEE Volunteer Award

This Outstanding IEEE Volunteer Award is to recognize one who has made long outstanding volunteering service and significant contributions to the advancement of the IEEE Ottawa Section activities. Selection of the winner will be based on merit. Selection of the winner will be based on merit of initiated activities and whether the volunteer has received an award in the prior year.

Nomination can be completed and submitted online for:

  • Outstanding IEEE Volunteer Award

To nominate please click on the Apply button at the top of this page.

Recognition The Ottawa Section Groups

*Note: For these awards, there is typically one award per group (Chapter, Affinity Group, Student Branch, Committee). However, where there is insufficient merit (i.e. no significant improvement in number of events, no new or innovative activities, etc.), then an award may not be granted. Where there is a close tie, more than one in the group may receive an award. Award Committees™ decisions are final.

All groups are eligible for consideration to be automatically nominated and winners are selected by the OS Officers.

Outstanding IEEE Chapter Award*

To recognize an active Chapter that made through the year an outstanding performance in organizing many events (technical/educational/social meetings, seminars, workshops), and in increasing membership development. Selection of the winner will be based on merit of initiated member activities (L31) and whether they have received an award in the prior year.


Outstanding IEEE Affinity Group Award*

To recognize an active Affinity Group that made through the year an outstanding performance in organizing many events (technical/educational/social meetings, seminars, workshops), and in increasing membership development. Selection of the winner will be based on merit of initiated member activities (L31) and whether they have received an award in the prior year.

Outstanding IEEE Student Branch Award*

To recognize an active Student Branch that made through the year an outstanding performance in organizing many events (technical/educational/social meetings, seminars, workshops), and in increasing membership development. Selection of the winner will be based on merit of initiated member activities and whether they have received an award in the prior year.

Outstanding IEEE Committee Award*

To recognize an active Committee that made through the year an outstanding performance in organizing many activities, meetings, seminars, workshops. Selection of the winner will be based on merit of initiated member activities and whether they have received an award in the prior year. There is typically one award per group; however, where there is insufficient merit.

Recognition of The IEEE Ottawa Section

  • IEEE Regional Activities Board-RAB (currently Member and Geographic Activities-MGA Board), as the Outstanding Large Section, for 2004 Activities.
  • IEEE Canada R7, as the Exemplary Large Section, for 2006 Activities. For more details, here is the full citation.
  • IEEE Canada R7, as the Exemplary Large Section, for 2007 Activities. For more details, here is the full citation.
  • IEEE Regional Activities Board-RAB (currently Member and Geographic Activities-MGA Board), as the Outstanding Large Section, for 2010 Activities. For more details, here is the full citation.