
Open Source Development Forum – Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards
Sep 18 @ 08:30 – 17:30
Open Source Development Forum - Wed. 18-September @ Innovation Centre at Bayview yards | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

The inaugural OSDforum will take place in Ottawa this September 18. It is of interest to System architects, software designers, hardware designers and researchers from government, industry and academia.

RISC-V is the 5th generation of the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC-V) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA), the OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit global organisation aiming to boost the adoption of open-source processors by providing a platform for collaboration, creating a focal point for ecosystem development, and offering open-source IP for processor cores.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to join this exciting new development platform and get your own RISC-V development board to keep. All this while learning from leading industry and academic experts focused on IoT, Edge and Machine Learning development that leverage open source SW and HW.

Space is limited and we have all indications that the event will sell out. Register today.

The Lightning Phenomenon @ 4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University
Oct 22 @ 12:00 – 13:00

IEEE  Distinguished Lecturer Presentation hosted jointly by the IEEE Ottawa EMC and CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters:


Speaker  :     Dr. Marcos Rubinstein, Professor, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Topic    :     The Lightning Phenomenon

Date     :     Tuesday October 22, 2019

Time     :     12(noon) – 1pm

Location :     4124-ME (Meckenzie Building), Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa – K1S5B6


Registration:  Free, Please E-mail Ram Achar (

Refreshments: Served


Parking  : Payment based Metered Parking spots in the campus



               Ram Achar, Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University

               Chairman CASS/SSCS/EDS Chapters


               Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter



Lightning is one of the primary causes of damage and malfunction of telecommunication and power networks and one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths and injuries.

Lightning is composed of numerous physical processes, of which only a few are visible to the naked eye.

This lecture presents various aspects of the lightning phenomenon, its main processes and the technologies that have been developed to assess the parameters that are important for engineering and scientific applications. These parameters include the channel-base current and its associated electromagnetic fields.

The measurement techniques for these parameters are intrinsically difficult due to the randomness of the phenomenon and to the harsh electromagnetic environment created by the lightning itself.

Besides the measurement of the lightning parameters, warning and insurance applications require the real-time detection and location of the lightning strike point. The main classical and emerging lightning detection and location techniques, including those used in currently available commercial lightning location systems will be described in the lecture. The newly proposed Electromagnetic Time Reversal technique, which has the potential to revolutionize lightning location will also be presented.



Marcos Rubinstein received the Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville.

In the decade of the 1990’s, he worked as a research engineer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne and as a program manager at Swisscom in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility and lightning. Since 2001, he is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland HES-SO, Yverdon-les-Bains, where he is currently responsible for the advanced Communication Technologies Group. He is the author or coauthor of 300 scientific publications in reviewed journals and international conferences. He is also the coauthor of nine book chapters and the co-editor of a book on time reversal. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Open Atmospheric Science Journal, and currently serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC.

Prof. Rubinstein received the best Master’s Thesis award from the University of Florida, the IEEE achievement award and he is a co-recipient of the NASA’s Recognition for Innovative Technological Work award. He also received the ICLP Karl Berger award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and an EMP Fellow, a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences and of the International Union of Radio Science.

Special IEEE Lunch and Learn – CTO of Telus – Dr. Ibrahim Gedeon on 5G
Feb 19 @ 11:30 – 13:00
Special IEEE Lunch and Learn - CTO of Telus - Dr. Ibrahim Gedeon on 5G

“A Candid Conversation on 5G”

Dr. Ibrahim Gedeon

CTO, Telus

Ibrahim Gedeon is one of the global telecommunications industry’s eminent thought leaders. He has carved out an international career by combining tremendous insight and skill as an applied scientist with a lighthearted and non-conventional approach to leadership. As Chief Technology Officer for TELUS a leading national telecommunications company in Canada, he is responsible for all technology development and strategy, security, service and network architecture, service delivery and operational support systems, as well as service and network convergence, and network infrastructure strategies and evolution. Under his leadership the TELUS wireless broadband network has become one of the best in the world.

Ibrahim also serves on the board of the Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions and the Institute for Communication Technology Management. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Beirut and a Master’s in Electronics Engineering from Carleton University. In 2010, Ibrahim received a Honourary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of British Columbia. In 2014, he was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) in recognition of his significant contributions to the field of engineering. He has been named five times to the Global Telecoms Business magazine’s GTB Power 100, a list of the 100 most powerful and influential people in the telecoms industry.

Ibrahim served in many IEEE executive and leadership posts on the Society, Region, Section, and Chapter level. He is currently the Senate Chair of IEEE Ottawa Section, the Industry Advisor of the IEEE Communications Society for the North America Region, and the Industry Advisor for the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society. Ibrahim is very well known a keynote speaker, he organized and hosted several national and international conferences. He was the General Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications – ICC2012 (IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conference), and he is currently the General Chair of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications – ICC2021 that will be held in Montreal on June 14-18, 2021. He received many awards, just to name few, the Consumer Electronics Society’s Distinctive Exemplary Industry Leader Award in 2019, and the IEEE Canada’s Outstanding Canadian Engineer Award in 2001.

Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication Applications
Sep 16 @ 17:00 – 18:00
Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication                Applications

IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Presentation hosted jointly by the OTTAWA EMC/CPMT/ED/CAS/SSCS/AP/MTT Chapters:

Speaker : Dr. Xiaoxiong Gu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY
Topic : Opportunities, Challenges and Implementation of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication Applications
Date : Wednesday September 16, 2020
Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST
Location : Online via ZOOM
Registration: Free, and is on a first to reply basis. Preference given to IEEE EMC CPMT/ED/CAS/SSCS/APS/MTT society members. E-mail Reservation is required.

Organizer: Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter,
Office :(613) 595 – 0507 Ext. 377, Cell: (613) 355 – 6632

Abstract: Co-design and integration of RFIC, package, and antennas are critical to enable multiple aspects of 5G communications (backhaul, last mile, mobile access) and are particularly challenging at mmWave frequencies. This talk will cover various important aspects of mmWave antenna module packaging and integration for base station, backhaul, and user equipment applications, respectively, with particular emphasis on signal, power and EMC integrity. We will first present a historical perspective on Si-based mmWave modules and approaches for antenna and IC integration including trade-offs. We will focus on the challenges, implementation, and characterization of a 28-GHz phased-array module with 64 dual polarized antennas for 5G base station applications. Second, we will present a W-band phased-array module with 64-element dual-polarization antennas for radar imaging and backhaul application. The module consists of a multilayer
organic chip-carrier package and a 16-element phased-array TX IC or a 32- element RX IC chipset. Third, we will describe a compact, low-power, 60-GHz switched-beam transceiver module suitable for handset integration incorporating four antennas that support both normal and end-fire directions for a wide link spatial coverage. Detailed signal, power and EMC modeling and analysis of the modules and the system are presented.

Speaker Bio:

Xiaoxiong Gu received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, in 2006. He joined IBM Research as a Research Staff Member in January 2007. His research activities are focused on 5G radio access technologies, optoelectronic and mm-wave packaging, electrical designs, modeling and characterization of communication, imaging radar and computation systems. He has recently worked on antenna-in-package design and integration for mm-wave imaging and communication systems including Ka-band, V-band and Wband phased-array modules. He has also worked on 3D electrical packaging and signal/power integrity analysis for high-speed I/O subsystems including onchip and off-chip interconnects. He has been involved in developing novel TSV
and interposer technologies for heterogeneous system integration.

Dr. Gu has authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications, 2 book chapters and holds 9 issued patents. He was a co-recipient of IEEE ISSCC 2017 Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper and IEEE JSSC 2017 Best Paper Award (the world’s first reported silicon-based 5G mmWave phased array antenna module operating at 28GHz). He was a co-recipient of the 2017 Pat Goldberg Memorial Award to
the best paper in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics published by IBM Research. He received IBM Outstanding Research Accomplishment in 2019 and Outstanding Technical Achievement Award in 2016, four IBM Plateau Invention Awards in 2012 ~ 2016, the IEEE EMC Symposium Best Paper Award in 2013, two SRC Mahboob Khan Outstanding Industry Liaison Awards in 2012 and
2014, the Best Conference Paper Award at IEEE EPEPS in 2011, IEC DesignCon Paper Awards in 2008 and 2010, the Best Interactive Session Paper Award at IEEE DATE in 2008, and the Best Session Paper Award at IEEE ECTC in 2007. Dr. Gu is the co-chair of Professional Interest Community (PIC) on Computer System Designs at IBM. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has been serving on different
program committees for MTT-S, EPEPS, ECTC, EDAPS and DesignCon. Dr. Gu was the General Chair of IEEE EPEPS 2018 in San Jose, CA. He is also a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE EMC Society in 2019-2020 and is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.

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