
Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa
May 30 @ 18:30 – 20:30
Technical Talk: Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization @ Colonel By (CBY), Room A-707, University of Ottawa | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

You are invited to the technical talk entitled

Recent Results and Open Problems in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization


Thursday May 30th, 2019


6:15 PM Arrival and networking (light snacks available)

6:45 PM Approximate start of talk (40-60 mins)

7:45 – 8:00 PM Q&A period

8:00 – 8:30 PM Post-talk networking and discussion


Colonel By (CBY) A-707

Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa
161 Louis Pasteur Private, Ottawa, K1N 6N5

admission is free but registration is required on EventBrite


Professor Carlos Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico, IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer


Evolutionary algorithms (as well as a number of other metaheuristics) have become a popular choice for solving problems having two or more (often conflicting) objectives (the so-called multi-objective optimization problems). This area, known as EMOO (Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization) has had an important growth in the last 15 years, and several people (particularly newcomers) get the impression that it is now very difficult to make contributions of sufficient value to justify, for example, a PhD thesis. However, a lot of interesting research is still under way. In this talk, we will review some of the research topics on evolutionary multi-objective optimization that are currently attracting a lot of interest (e.g., handling many objectives, hybridization, indicator-based selection, use of surrogates, etc.) and which represent good opportunities for doing research. Some of the challenges currently faced by this discipline will also be delineated.

Speaker Biography

Carlos Artemio Coello Coello received a PhD in Computer Science from Tulane University (USA) in 1996. His research has mainly focused on the design of new multi-objective optimization algorithms based on bio-inspired metaheuristics, which is an area in which he has made pioneering contributions. He currently has over 470 publications which, according to Google Scholar, report over 43,900 citations (with an h-index of 83). He has received several awards, including the National Research Award (in 2007) from the Mexican Academy of Science (in the area of exact sciences), the 2009 Medal to the Scientific Merit from Mexico City’s congress, the Ciudad Capital: Heberto Castillo 2011 Award for scientists under the age of 45, in Basic Science, the 2012 Scopus Award (Mexico’s edition) for being the most highly cited scientist in engineering in the 5 years previous to the award and the 2012 National Medal of Science in Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences from Mexico’s presidency (this is the most important award that a scientist can receive in Mexico). He is also the recipient of the prestigious 2013 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, “for pioneering contributions to single- and multiobjective optimization techniques using bioinspired metaheuristics” and of the 2016 The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Award in “Engineering Sciences”. Since January 2011, he is an IEEE Fellow. He is also Associate Editor of several journals including the two most prestigious in his area: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and Evolutionary Computation. He is currently Vicepresident for Member Activities of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer and Full Professor with distinction at the Computer Science Department of CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico City, Mexico.


Ottawa L5 Autonomous Vehicle Test Track Tour @ NCC Greenbelt Research Farm
Oct 17 @ 10:00 – 12:00
Ottawa L5 Autonomous Vehicle Test Track Tour @ NCC Greenbelt Research Farm | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Ottawa Life Member Affinity Group presents: Ottawa L5, the first integrated Connected & Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) test environment in North America.


The Ottawa L5 private test track is a 1,866 acre, fenced and gated private facility with 16 kilometres of paved roads. The largest secure test facility for CAVs in Canada, the Ottawa L5 private test track creates an ideal proving ground for the safe and productive pre-commercial development, testing, validation and demonstration of CAV technologies. The Ottawa L5 testing facilities are equipped with GPS (RTK), dedicated short range communications (DSRC), Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE and 5G telecommunications and networking infrastructure, making it the first integrated CAV test environment of its kind in North America. Find more information at:


Tour will last about an hour involving a walk around the site and a group discussion of various technical aspects of the L5 facility. An additional treat is the possibility of an autonomous shuttle ride at the site for some attendees.

Please register in advance with by Friday October 11. Priority will be given to Life members. All members and family are welcome. There is an online liability waiver to be signed. The link will be provided to registrants.



A Brief Introduction to IEEEXtreme and WIE HACK613
Sep 16 @ 17:00 – 18:00
A Brief Introduction to IEEEXtreme and WIE HACK613

Venue: Online


Event Contact Name Ragunath Anbarasu

Event Contact Email:

IEEEXtreme is a worldwide Annual Hackathon, in which teams of IEEE student members participate against each other in a span of 24 hours to solve a set of programming problems. This year IEEEXtreme 14.0 is being held on October 24th. Ragunath Anbarasu, the web master and an active volunteer of IEEE WIE Ottawa has been selected as the Ambassador and Section Lead for the Ottawa region. In this session, he will walk through the IEEEXtreme competition and WIE HACK613, a mock hackathon IEEE WIE Ottawa is organizing as a practice for IEEEXtreme. Register Now! And learn more about the event!

Bio: Ragunath Anbarasu is currently doing his Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering with Specialization in Data Science at Carleton University. He as been the Web Master of IEEE WIE Ottawa for almost a year and is extremely active in volunteering activities related to IEEE. He has been coordinating with the organizers in hosting this years IEEEXtreme Programming Competition in their respective student branches and supporting Non-IEEE Student Branch Members to get exposure to the Hackathon. He will be extending his help to students looking for support and guidance with information related to IEEEXtreme and connect them to a professional member.

WIE HACK613: The Ottawa Hackathon
Sep 26 @ 14:00 – 17:00


Date and Place: The event will be held online on September 26th and 27th, 2020.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” ~ John F. Kennedy

New to Hackathons? Are you also interested in participating in IEEEXtreme 14.0? IEEE WIE Ottawa presents the first ever Mock Hackathon in Ottawa! Win Exciting Prizes and get experience with us. No need to think of an idea! The questions will be given to you. Our mentors will further help you to get a head start in your hackathon journey! This is a practice event just for you! Learn more about IEEEXtreme here->

September 26th and 27th, 2020

The event is fully online including the mentorship*.

September 26th, 2020
01:00 PM The opening ceremony

02:00 PM Commencement of Hackathon

05:00 PM Final Submission

September 27th, 2020
01:00 PM Results declaration webinar

01:30 PM Prize announcement

02:00 PM The closing ceremony

For More Details Visit:

Online Talk: From bees to Drones: Exploring bio-inspired machine vision applications for precision agriculture
Sep 28 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Online Talk: From bees to Drones: Exploring bio-inspired machine vision applications for precision agriculture

Online Talk: From bees to Drones: Exploring bio-inspired machine vision applications for precision agriculture

Bees are used as vectors for pollination and transport of agricultural chemicals in outdoor agriculture and greenhouses. However, in certain situations the use of natural pollinators is problematic. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could serve as an alternate pollination vector in such situations and perform other functions. A step towards the deployment of such a tool is to bring the ability to locate, classify, and analyze flowers aboard a drone.

More info and registration:

A presentation by IEEE WIE Ottawa.

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