
Modern Day Applications of Power Electronics – Who Can Benefit? @ Room P208, Algonquin College
Nov 28 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Modern Day Applications of Power Electronics – Who Can Benefit? @ Room P208, Algonquin College | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Seminar by IEEE Ottawa Section, PELS, SSIT, RS-PEL, PES, Education Activities, Algonquin College IEEE Student Branch, ComSoc, CESoc, and BTS Ottawa Joint Chapter.

The IEEE Ottawa Section is inviting all interested IEEE members and nonmembers to a seminar

Modern Day Applications of Power Electronics – Who Can Benefit?


Kalyan K. Sen

Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc.


November 28th 2019

Refreshments, Registration and Networking:
18:30 – 20:00.

Algonquin College, Room P208, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa.


Parking in Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a
machine and display the ticket on your dashboard.



Free. Registration required.

Please register by e-mail contacting:



Application of power electronics is widespread in everyday life. Some applications are considered as “nice to have it;” in other cases, they are essential. This presentation discusses a wide variety of daily-used applications around the world. Also covered is an advanced topic, such as SMART Controller that today’s grid requires for voltage regulation, power factor regulation, unbalance voltage/current regulation, harmonic elimination and so on. A SMART Controller that is based on functional requirements and cost-effective solutions is derived from utilizing the best features of all the technical concepts that are developed until now. Final year students of electrical engineering undergraduate curriculum, post graduate students, researchers, academicians and utility engineers will benefit from attending this course. The participantswill hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a fewutility-grade SMART controllers since their inception in the 1990s.


Modern Day Applications of Power Electronics – Who Can Benefit
[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129
Mar 17 @ 18:00 – 19:30
[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129 | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

NOTE: This event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions

Dear colleagues,

Due to the current situation regarding corrona virus COVID-19, we have to CANCEL our IEEE Ottawa Section Seminar:

“Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling”
by Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi,
which was scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 17, 2020, 6:00 p.m., at Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., T-Building, Room T129.

The new date and time for this seminar will be determined and announced when the circumstances allow.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


Branislav Djokic


TITLE: Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling

SPEAKER: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi, Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, Ottawa

DATE:     Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

TIME:     Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 6:00 p.m.; Seminar: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Ciena Optophotonics Lab, Room T129, T-Building, School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8.

PARKING: Parking at Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a machine and display the ticket on your dashboard. Please respect restricted areas.

Abstract: A microgrid is defined as a group of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and loads that act locally as a single controllable entity and can operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Microgrids are considered a critical link in the evolution from vertically integrated bulk power systems to smart decentralized networks, by facilitating the integration of DERs. Entities, such as government agencies, utilities, military bases, and universities around the world are deploying microgrids, and an increasing number of these systems are expected to be developed in the next decade. In general, stability in microgrids has been treated from the perspective of conventional bulk power systems. However, the nature of the stability problem and dynamic performance of a microgrid are considerably different than those of a conventional power system due to intrinsic differences between microgrids and bulk power systems, such as size, feeder types, high share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), converter-interfaced components, low inertia, measurement devices such as Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), unbalanced operation, etc.

This seminar discusses the findings of the award-winning IEEE PES Task Force on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, which defines concepts and identifies relevant issues related to stability in microgrids. The seminar presents definitions and classification of microgrid stability, considering pertinent microgrid features such as voltage-frequency dependence, unbalancing, low inertia, and generation intermittency. A few examples will be also presented, highlighting some of the stability classes discussed during the seminar.

Speaker’s Bio: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi is the Senior Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, an internationally award-winning startup offering AI-enabled control and optimization solutions for smart grids. He has more than 8 years of experience in designing mission critical grid solutions for industry and academia, including technical leadership of a $6M international consortium in Electric Grid Modernization, and Smart Grid projects with Hatch and Canadian Solar. Mostafa has authored/co-authored several high-impact technical papers and patents on intelligent control and optimization of renewable-penetrated grids.

Mostafa obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has also studied and performed research in Sweden at KTH and Germany at KIT. During the course of his career, Mostafa has received multiple business, research, and teaching awards, including the prestigious University of Waterloo Doctoral Thesis Completion Award and Ottawa’s Forty Under 40.

Mostafa has also led the award-winning IEEE Power and Energy Society Task Force on microgrid stability, an international coalition of 21 researchers from 14 institutions investigating stability issues in microgrids. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Admission: Free. Registration required. Please register by e-mail contacting: or


[CANCELLED] Seminar: Drone-assisted Mobile Edge Computing
Mar 19 @ 18:00 – 19:30

NOTE: This event as been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions

Seminar presented by the IEEE Ottawa Section, Communications Society, Consumer Electronics Society, and
Broadcast Technology Society Joint Chapter (ComSoc/CESoc/BTS), Instrumentation & Measurement
Society Chapter (IMS), Reliability Society and Power Electronics Society Joint Chapter (RS/PELS), IEEE
Ottawa Educational Activities (EA) and Algonquin College IEEE Student Branch:


IEEE Ottawa Section is inviting all interested IEEE members and nonmembers to a distinguished Lecture:
Drone-assisted Mobile Edge Computing


Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at

the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)



Thursday, March 19, 2020.



Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 6:00 p.m.; Seminar: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.


Ciena Optophotonics Lab, Room T129, T-Building, School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College,

1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8.



Parking at Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a machine and display the ticket on your dashboard. Please respect restricted areas.



Free. Registration required. To ensure a seat, please register by e-mail contacting: Wahab Almuhtadi.



Ottawa ComSoc/CESoc/BTS Chapter website.



In mobile access networks, different types of Internet of Things (IoT) devices (e.g., sensor nodes and smartphones) will generate vast traffic demands, thus dramatically increasing the traffic loads of their connected access nodes, especially in the 5G era. Mobile edge computing enables data collected by IoT devices to be stored in and processed by local fog nodes as well as allows IoT users to access IoT applications via these nodes at the same time. In this case, the communications latency critically affects the response time of IoT user requests. Owing to the dynamic distribution of IoT users, drone base station (DBS), which can be flexibly deployed over hotspot areas, can potentially improve the wireless latency of IoT users by mitigating the heavy traffic loads of macro BSs. Drone-based communications poses two major challenges: 1) DBS should be deployed in suitable areas with heavy traffic demands to serve more users; 2) traffic loads in the network should be allocated among macro BSs and DBSs to avoid instigating traffic congestions. Therefore, we propose a TrAffic Load balancing (TALL) scheme in such drone-assisted fog network to minimize the wireless latency of IoT users. In the scheme, we divide the problem into two sub-problems and design two algorithms to optimize the DBS placement and user association, respectively. Extensive simulations have been set up to validate the performance of TALL.


Speaker Bio:

Dr. Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, MSEE from the University of Michigan, and BSEE (summa cum laude with a perfect GPA) from NJIT. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors.

He authored Green Mobile Networks: A Networking Perspective (Wiley-IEEE, 2017) with T. Han, and coauthored two other books. He has also (co-)authored more than 600 technical publications. He has guest-edited a number of special issues covering various emerging topics in communications and networking. He has served on the editorial/advisory board of over ten journals including as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. His current research focuses on green communications and networking, cloud computing, droneassisted networking, and various aspects of broadband networks. He was elected to serve in the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Board of Governors as a member-at-large, has chaired some ComSoc technical and steering committees, is current Director of ComSoc Educational Services Board, has been serving in many committees such as the IEEE Fellow Committee, and has been actively organizing numerous IEEE International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops. He is frequently invited to deliver keynote addresses, distinguished lectures, tutorials, and invited talks. Some of his recognitions include several excellence in teaching awards, a few best paper awards, the NCE Excellence in Research Award, several ComSoc TC technical recognition awards, the NJ Inventors Hall of Fame Inventor of the Year Award, the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award, Purdue University Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering Award, the NCE 100 Medal, and designation as a COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer. He has also been granted more than 40 U.S. patents.

Clarifying the Path to becoming a Professional Engineer
May 26 @ 12:00 – 14:00
Clarifying the Path to becoming a Professional Engineer

In this time of social distancing, we are pleased to announce that all the team members of IEEE YP and WIE Ottawa Sections are fully committed to providing online interaction and support to our community! In partnership with Professional Engineers Ontario, we present an online talk in “Clarifying the Path to Becoming a Professional Engineer.”

If you are an engineering undergraduate or post-graduate student, or a recent graduate starting out your engineering career, then this seminar might be for you. In it you will learn:

  • What is PEO?
  • What engineering experience is PEO looking for once I graduate?
  • I have international engineering education and experience; how is that evaluated by PEO?
  • How is my engineering experience evaluated by PEO?
  • How do I prepare my Experience Record?
  • What is the PPE?
  • What is the EIT Program and the Student Membership Program?

The emphasis of this webinar will be on the P. Eng. licensure process – what PEO is looking for. The webinar will focus on how engineering experience is evaluated and how you can facilitate the process. Learn the dos and don’ts of preparing your licensing application for evaluation.

To participate, you will require: internet connection to view the webinar, phone access to dial into the conference for audio.

We look forward to speaking with you!

A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Technique for Photovoltaic Solar Panels
Jul 7 @ 18:00 – 19:30
A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Technique for Photovoltaic Solar Panels

The IEEE Reliability Society & Power Electronics
Society is inviting all interested IEEE members and prospective members to a


A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Technique for Photovoltaic Solar Panels



Mahdi Ranjbar

DATE:       July 7, 2020

TIME:        18 19:30.


novel Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique for photovoltaic (PV)
solar panels will be presented.  Current
sensors are costly components. They also require a signal conditioning
circuitry to reduce the noise and condition the signal to be sampled and used
by the controller.  Th
method takes advantage of the non-linearity of the I-V curve of the solar panel
find the MPP
. By injecting high-frequency perturbation signals and
monitoring the system behavior current sensing used for controlling of MPPT
is eliminated. This elimination can reduce the cost of MPPT circuitry. The proposed method also shows a very fast tracking response due to the use of high-frequency signals instead of relying on low frequency and DC signals which are used in the traditional methods. Numerical analysis, simulation results, and experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed technique will be shown.


Tude Ranjbar received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Tehran,
Iran (2017). In this period, his main focus was on collaboration with different laboratories in ECE and Mechanical engineering departments. He started his M.A.Sc degree in 2018 at Queen’s, Canada with a focus on improving the efficiency of the solar system power generation techniques.  Since March 2020, Mr. Ranjbar has joined the System
Architecture group at HUADA Semiconductors where his main focus is designing power applications using Huada’s microcontrollers, gate drivers and current sense amplifiers.

register here:

A link will be sent to you a day before the event.


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