
Ottawa L5 Autonomous Vehicle Test Track Tour @ NCC Greenbelt Research Farm
Oct 17 @ 10:00 – 12:00
Ottawa L5 Autonomous Vehicle Test Track Tour @ NCC Greenbelt Research Farm | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

Ottawa Life Member Affinity Group presents: Ottawa L5, the first integrated Connected & Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) test environment in North America.


The Ottawa L5 private test track is a 1,866 acre, fenced and gated private facility with 16 kilometres of paved roads. The largest secure test facility for CAVs in Canada, the Ottawa L5 private test track creates an ideal proving ground for the safe and productive pre-commercial development, testing, validation and demonstration of CAV technologies. The Ottawa L5 testing facilities are equipped with GPS (RTK), dedicated short range communications (DSRC), Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE and 5G telecommunications and networking infrastructure, making it the first integrated CAV test environment of its kind in North America. Find more information at:


Tour will last about an hour involving a walk around the site and a group discussion of various technical aspects of the L5 facility. An additional treat is the possibility of an autonomous shuttle ride at the site for some attendees.

Please register in advance with by Friday October 11. Priority will be given to Life members. All members and family are welcome. There is an online liability waiver to be signed. The link will be provided to registrants.



IEEE Ottawa Seminar Series on AI and Machine Learning – Sponsored by IEEE Ottawa CS Chapter, ComSoc Chapter, and SP Chapter, jointly with Vitesse- Reskilling
Oct 19 @ 00:07 – 01:07

Date Wednesday, Oct 30, 2019

Location 359 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata, Ontario


       11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Light Lunch and Networking

       12:00 PM – 1:00 PM  : Presentation and Q&A

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM    : Post Presentation Networking

Title of the Talk AI-Powered 5G Networks
& Beyond

Speaker  Hatem Abou-zeid 


5G Networks are anticipated
to transform modern societies by providing an ultra-reliable, high-speed
communications infrastructure that will connect billions of devices including
vehicles, machines, and sensors. Both the complexity of such networks and the
diversity of application requirements will be unprecedented. This mandates
novel, autonomous network configuration and operation that can anticipate and
react to changes in traffic, topology, and interference conditions to ensure
seamless quality of experience and reliability. In this talk I will discuss
AI-driven networking use-cases elaborating on the practical challenges of
industrial deployments. I will then highlight directions where research is
needed to further expedite and facilitate the development of AI-powered


Hatem Abou-zeid is a
Senior 5G Systems Designer at Ericsson Canada where he drives research and
system development for 5G radio access networks. Prior to that he held
industrial positions at CISCO Systems and Bell Labs in addition to postdoctoral
and research assistant affiliations at Queen’s University, Canada. His research
focuses on the application of machine learning in 5G networks with particular
emphasis on anticipatory and adaptive algorithms drawing on methods from
reinforcement learning, spatio-temporal forecasting, deep learning and
stochastic optimization. Dr. Abou-zeid is very passionate about developing
strong industry-university collaborations that foster applied, innovative
research, and he leads multiple academic partnerships on intelligence and
analytics in future networks.

5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there? @ Building M-36, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
Nov 12 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Title: 5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there ?

Speaker: Akshay Sharma, Executive Research Fellow, neXtCurve:

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 2 – 3 pm.

Admission: Free, but registration is required for security purposes. Please contact by e-mail: branislav or


Abstract: This talk discusses how 5G with Edge Computing, and Ultra-low latency (sub-5ms) with Gigabit speed bandwidth will be a game changer with Smart Meters and a new Electric Grid can be enabled with Smart Lamposts. As we transition to DevOps, AIOps, newer Closed Loop Automation systems will occur. As we connect AI-powered Virtual Personal Assistants to IoT devices in the home, now we have to imagine the entire macro-infrastructures being all hyper-connected. What is needed to get there will be discussed at the seminar.


Speaker’s Bio: Akshay Sharma is originally from Ottawa, B. Eng Computer Systems Engineering from Carleton, a tech analyst, formerly from Gartner, having authored or co-authored over 280 research notes, on emerging technologies like SD-WAN, 5G, mobile video, cloud CDN, IoT, etc. in the past decade. A frequent speaker at tech events, he is often quoted in leading institutions like CNN, Wall St. Journal, etc. He is a former CTO of one of the first video/WiFi smartphone firms, former Chief Architect at Siemens Mobile, and has been given awards by the NJ IEEE Chapter on talks he gave on 5G and Cybersecurity. He is on the tech advisory board for 5G and DevOps startups: LB-N, Kovair, along with others. Mr Sharma’s recent publications include: Search Results for “akshay” – neXt Curve

Advanced semiconductor lasers: Ultra-low operating energy and heterogeneous integration with Si photonics devices @ University of Ottawa, Room 223
Dec 3 @ 13:00 – 14:00

IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer Program

Advanced semiconductor lasers:Ultra-low operating energy and heterogeneous integration with Si photonics devices

Shinji Matsuo, NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan

Abstract: The electrical power consumed in data transmission systems is now hampering efforts to further increase the speed and capacity at various scales, ranging from data centers to microprocessors. Optical interconnects employing an ultralow energy directly modulated lasers will play a key role in reducing the power consumption. Since a laser’s operating energy is proportional to the size of its active volume, developing high-performance lasers with a small cavity is important. For this purpose, we have developed membrane DFB and photonic crystal (PhC) lasers, in which active regions are buried with InP layer. Thanks to the reduction of cavity size and the increase in optical confinement factor, we have achieved extremely small operating energy and demonstrated 4.4-fJ/bit operating energy by employing wavelength-scale PhC cavity. Reduction of the cost is also important issue because huge number of transmitters are required for short distance optical links. For this purpose, Si photonics technology is expected to be a potential solution because it can provide large-scale phonic integrated circuits (PICs), which can reduce the assembly cost compared with transmitters constructed by discrete devices. Therefore, heterogeneous integration of III-V compound semiconductors and Si has attracted much attention. For fabricating these devices, we have developed wafer-scale fabrication procedure that employs regrowth of III-V compound semiconductors on directly bonded thin InP template on SiO2/Si substrate. A key to realize high-quality epitaxial layer is total thickness, which must be below the critical thickness, typically 430 nm. Thus, membrane structure is quite suitable for heterogeneous integration. I will talk about our recent progress, focusing on ultralow-powerconsumption directly modulated lasers and their photonic integrated circuit. I will also describe progress in heterogeneous integration of these lasers and Si photonics devices.

Bio: Dr. Matsuo received a B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, in 1986 and 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and applied physics from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2008. In 1988, he joined NTT Optoelectronics Laboratories, Atsugi, where he was engaged in research on photonic functional devices using MQW-pin modulators and VCSELs. In 1997, he researched optical networks using WDM technologies at NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Yokosuka. Since 2000, he has been researching InP-based photonic integrated circuits including fast tunable lasers and photonic crystal lasers at NTT Photonics Laboratories, Atsugi. Dr. Matsuo is a member of the IEEE Photonics Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan.

[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129
Mar 17 @ 18:00 – 19:30
[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129 | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

NOTE: This event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions

Dear colleagues,

Due to the current situation regarding corrona virus COVID-19, we have to CANCEL our IEEE Ottawa Section Seminar:

“Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling”
by Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi,
which was scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 17, 2020, 6:00 p.m., at Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., T-Building, Room T129.

The new date and time for this seminar will be determined and announced when the circumstances allow.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


Branislav Djokic


TITLE: Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling

SPEAKER: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi, Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, Ottawa

DATE:     Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

TIME:     Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 6:00 p.m.; Seminar: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Ciena Optophotonics Lab, Room T129, T-Building, School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8.

PARKING: Parking at Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a machine and display the ticket on your dashboard. Please respect restricted areas.

Abstract: A microgrid is defined as a group of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and loads that act locally as a single controllable entity and can operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Microgrids are considered a critical link in the evolution from vertically integrated bulk power systems to smart decentralized networks, by facilitating the integration of DERs. Entities, such as government agencies, utilities, military bases, and universities around the world are deploying microgrids, and an increasing number of these systems are expected to be developed in the next decade. In general, stability in microgrids has been treated from the perspective of conventional bulk power systems. However, the nature of the stability problem and dynamic performance of a microgrid are considerably different than those of a conventional power system due to intrinsic differences between microgrids and bulk power systems, such as size, feeder types, high share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), converter-interfaced components, low inertia, measurement devices such as Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), unbalanced operation, etc.

This seminar discusses the findings of the award-winning IEEE PES Task Force on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, which defines concepts and identifies relevant issues related to stability in microgrids. The seminar presents definitions and classification of microgrid stability, considering pertinent microgrid features such as voltage-frequency dependence, unbalancing, low inertia, and generation intermittency. A few examples will be also presented, highlighting some of the stability classes discussed during the seminar.

Speaker’s Bio: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi is the Senior Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, an internationally award-winning startup offering AI-enabled control and optimization solutions for smart grids. He has more than 8 years of experience in designing mission critical grid solutions for industry and academia, including technical leadership of a $6M international consortium in Electric Grid Modernization, and Smart Grid projects with Hatch and Canadian Solar. Mostafa has authored/co-authored several high-impact technical papers and patents on intelligent control and optimization of renewable-penetrated grids.

Mostafa obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has also studied and performed research in Sweden at KTH and Germany at KIT. During the course of his career, Mostafa has received multiple business, research, and teaching awards, including the prestigious University of Waterloo Doctoral Thesis Completion Award and Ottawa’s Forty Under 40.

Mostafa has also led the award-winning IEEE Power and Energy Society Task Force on microgrid stability, an international coalition of 21 researchers from 14 institutions investigating stability issues in microgrids. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Admission: Free. Registration required. Please register by e-mail contacting: or


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