It is with great honor to announce that IEEE Ottawa Young Professionals Affinity Group (YPAG) has been awarded the 2020 IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award. This award is a certification that IEEE Ottawa YPAG has demonstrated outstanding activities and hosted quality events and increasing the number of members. This global recognition adds to the local and regional awards earned last year; The 2019 Outstanding affinity group by IEEE Ottawa Section and the 2019 IEEE Canada YPAG of the Year Award by IEEE R7.

Dr. Zied Bouida served as a Chair of Ottawa YPAG for 2018 until September 2019 followed by Mohamed Emara who is currently serving the IEEE Ottawa YPAG Chair. Mohamed and his team showed great professionalism and dedication to serve the chapter. Serveral events were hosted in the past two years involving Academic, Industrial, humanitarian, International Conferences organization and participation, and several other activities.

This global award was earned thanks to IEEE Canada Board for their continuous support for Young Professionals, IEEE Ottawa Section for involving YPs and supporting their events and initiatives, Faculty members from Carleton University, the University of Ottawa, and Algonquin College (special Thanks to Prof. Halim Yanikomeroglu, Prof. Mohamed Ibnkahla, and Prof. Wahab Almuhtadi, Michael Lalonde). The partnership we have with Ottawa Section chapters; IEEE Ottawa Student Branches, IEEE Ottawa WiE Affinity Group, and IEEE Local Technical societies for organizing joint events and inviting distinguished speakers was key to our success (special thanks to IEEE ComSoc/CESoc/BTS and IEEE

A special thanks go to Anis Ben Arfi for initiating and supporting our Nomination to the Hall of Fame Award. Anis has taken part in the 2015 Hall of Fame winning team in Southern Alberta and we are very honored to see this prestigious award come back to Canada after five years.