
5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there? @ Building M-36, National Research Council (NRC) Canada
Nov 12 @ 14:00 – 15:00

Title: 5G for Smart Everything: From Smart Meters to the New Power Grid. What is needed to get there ?

Speaker: Akshay Sharma, Executive Research Fellow, neXtCurve:

Date/Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2019, from 2 – 3 pm.

Admission: Free, but registration is required for security purposes. Please contact by e-mail: branislav or


Abstract: This talk discusses how 5G with Edge Computing, and Ultra-low latency (sub-5ms) with Gigabit speed bandwidth will be a game changer with Smart Meters and a new Electric Grid can be enabled with Smart Lamposts. As we transition to DevOps, AIOps, newer Closed Loop Automation systems will occur. As we connect AI-powered Virtual Personal Assistants to IoT devices in the home, now we have to imagine the entire macro-infrastructures being all hyper-connected. What is needed to get there will be discussed at the seminar.


Speaker’s Bio: Akshay Sharma is originally from Ottawa, B. Eng Computer Systems Engineering from Carleton, a tech analyst, formerly from Gartner, having authored or co-authored over 280 research notes, on emerging technologies like SD-WAN, 5G, mobile video, cloud CDN, IoT, etc. in the past decade. A frequent speaker at tech events, he is often quoted in leading institutions like CNN, Wall St. Journal, etc. He is a former CTO of one of the first video/WiFi smartphone firms, former Chief Architect at Siemens Mobile, and has been given awards by the NJ IEEE Chapter on talks he gave on 5G and Cybersecurity. He is on the tech advisory board for 5G and DevOps startups: LB-N, Kovair, along with others. Mr Sharma’s recent publications include: Search Results for “akshay” – neXt Curve

[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129
Mar 17 @ 18:00 – 19:30
[CANCELLED] IEEE Ottawa seminar on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling @ Algonquin College, T-Building, Room T129 | Ottawa | Ontario | Canada

NOTE: This event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions

Dear colleagues,

Due to the current situation regarding corrona virus COVID-19, we have to CANCEL our IEEE Ottawa Section Seminar:

“Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling”
by Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi,
which was scheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 17, 2020, 6:00 p.m., at Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., T-Building, Room T129.

The new date and time for this seminar will be determined and announced when the circumstances allow.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


Branislav Djokic


TITLE: Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling

SPEAKER: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi, Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, Ottawa

DATE:     Tuesday, March 17, 2020.

TIME:     Refreshments, Registration and Networking: 6:00 p.m.; Seminar: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Ciena Optophotonics Lab, Room T129, T-Building, School of Advanced Technology, Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8.

PARKING: Parking at Lots 8 and 9 after 5 p.m. is $5 flat rate, pay at a machine and display the ticket on your dashboard. Please respect restricted areas.

Abstract: A microgrid is defined as a group of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and loads that act locally as a single controllable entity and can operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Microgrids are considered a critical link in the evolution from vertically integrated bulk power systems to smart decentralized networks, by facilitating the integration of DERs. Entities, such as government agencies, utilities, military bases, and universities around the world are deploying microgrids, and an increasing number of these systems are expected to be developed in the next decade. In general, stability in microgrids has been treated from the perspective of conventional bulk power systems. However, the nature of the stability problem and dynamic performance of a microgrid are considerably different than those of a conventional power system due to intrinsic differences between microgrids and bulk power systems, such as size, feeder types, high share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), converter-interfaced components, low inertia, measurement devices such as Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), unbalanced operation, etc.

This seminar discusses the findings of the award-winning IEEE PES Task Force on Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, which defines concepts and identifies relevant issues related to stability in microgrids. The seminar presents definitions and classification of microgrid stability, considering pertinent microgrid features such as voltage-frequency dependence, unbalancing, low inertia, and generation intermittency. A few examples will be also presented, highlighting some of the stability classes discussed during the seminar.

Speaker’s Bio: Dr. Mostafa Farrokhabadi is the Senior Director of Technology at BluWave-ai, an internationally award-winning startup offering AI-enabled control and optimization solutions for smart grids. He has more than 8 years of experience in designing mission critical grid solutions for industry and academia, including technical leadership of a $6M international consortium in Electric Grid Modernization, and Smart Grid projects with Hatch and Canadian Solar. Mostafa has authored/co-authored several high-impact technical papers and patents on intelligent control and optimization of renewable-penetrated grids.

Mostafa obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has also studied and performed research in Sweden at KTH and Germany at KIT. During the course of his career, Mostafa has received multiple business, research, and teaching awards, including the prestigious University of Waterloo Doctoral Thesis Completion Award and Ottawa’s Forty Under 40.

Mostafa has also led the award-winning IEEE Power and Energy Society Task Force on microgrid stability, an international coalition of 21 researchers from 14 institutions investigating stability issues in microgrids. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Admission: Free. Registration required. Please register by e-mail contacting: or


Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables
Jul 28 @ 18:30 – 19:30
Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables

Webinar: Role of the Smart Grid in Facilitating the Integration of Renewables

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman, Director, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, USA, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) President 2018-2019, IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 6:30 pm – 7:30 p.m. EDT

Admission: Free, but registration is required:

For more details, please visit:

Abstract – With the focus on environmental sustainability and energy security, power system planners are looking at renewable energy as supplements and alternatives. But such generation sources have their own challenges – primarily intermittency.  It is expected that the smart grid – due to its inherent communication, sensing and control capabilities – will have the ability to manage the load, storage and generation assets (including renewables) in the power grid to enable a large-scale integration of distributed generation. In a smart grid, information about the state of the grid and its components can be exchanged quickly over long distances and complex networks. It will therefore be possible to have the integration of sustainable energy sources, such as wind, solar, off-shore electricity, etc. for smoother system operation. But in order for this to be possible, the electric utility will have to evolve, and change their ways of operation to become an intelligent provider of these services. This lecture introduces the operational characteristics of renewable energy sources, and various aspects of the smart grid – technology, standards and regulations. It also addresses the interplay among distributed generation, storage and conventional generation to provide an efficient operational strategy in the context of the smart grid.

The Smart City Building Blocks & Their Synergy with Smart Villages
Aug 12 @ 18:30 – 19:30
The Smart City Building Blocks & Their Synergy with Smart Villages

ADMISSION: Free, but the registration in advance is required.


Abstract – A smart city relies on widely distributed smart devices to monitor the urban environment in real-time, collects information for intelligent decision making, and facilitates various services to improve the quality of urban living. The distributed network of intelligent sensor nodes, as well as data centers/clouds where sensor data are stored and shared, constitutes a smart city infrastructure. Smart cities address urban challenges such as pollution, energy efficiency, security, parking, traffic, transportation, and others by utilizing advanced technologies in data gathering and communications interconnectivity via the Internet. It provides real time and remote monitoring for different aspects of data management in areas such as transportation, communication, video surveillance, and sensors distributed throughout the city. Simultaneously, the Smart City building blocks like education, telemedicine, health care, IT applications, pollution management, etc. can be deployed in the IEEE Smart Village initiative to have a greater impact on the rural population throughout the world. through reliable electricity and internet connectivity.

Speaker Bio – Prof. Dr. Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute ( at Virginia Tech, USA, where he is the Joseph R. Loring Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment ( He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. In 2006, he served on the IEEE Board of Directors as the Vice President for Publications. He is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and has lectured on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, electric power system operation and planning, etc. in over 30 countries. He was IEEE Power and Energy Society President 2018-2019 and is now a candidate for IEEE President-Elect 2021.

He chaired the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering, 2010-2013. He conducted several energy efficiency projects for Duke Energy, Tokyo Electric Power Company, US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, State of Virginia and US Department of Energy.

For any additional information, please contact: or

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