Advanced Optical Sources for Spectrally Efficient Photonic Systems
Liam Barry,
Dublin City University
The continuing growth in demand for bandwidth (from residential and business users), necessitates significant research into new advanced technologies that will be employed in future broadband communication systems. Two specific technologies which are becoming increasingly important for future photonic
systems are wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs. Although these topics have been studied for over two decades their significance for the development of future ultra-high capacity photonic systems has only recently been fully understood. Wavelength tunable lasers are currently becoming the
norm in optical communication systems because of their flexibility and ability to work on any wavelength. However, as their operating principles are different to standard single mode lasers they can effect how future systems will operate.
For example as optical transmission systems move towards more coherent transmission (where the data is carried using both the intensity and phase of the optical carrier), the phase noise in these tunable lasers will become increasingly important. Optical frequency combs also have many applications for
future photonics systems, and for telecommunications they can be used to obtain the highest spectral efficiency in optical transmission systems by employing the technology of optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) that has been widely employed to increase spectral efficiency in wireless systems. Wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs are thus topics at the leading edge of current photonics systems research, and their detailed understanding promises new applications in all-optical signal processing, optical sensing and metrology, and specifically telecommunications. This talk will focus on the development and characterization of various wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequency combs, and then outline how these sources can be employed for developing optical transmission systems and networks which make the best use of available optical spectrum.
Liam Barry received his BE (Electronic Engineering) and MEngSc (Optical Communications) from University College Dublin and his PhD from the University of Rennes. His main research interests are: all-optical signal processing, optical pulse generation and characterization, hybrid radio/fibre communication
systems, wavelength tuneable lasers for reconfigurable optical networks, and optical performance monitoring. He has worked as a Research Engineer in the Optical Systems Department of France Telecom’s Research Laboratories (now known as Orange Labs), and a Research Fellow at the Applied Optics Centre in Auckland University. He is currently a Full Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering at Dublin City University, establishing the Radio and Optical Communications Laboratory, and is a Principal Investigator for Science Foundation Ireland. He has published over 500 articles in internationally peer reviewed journals and conferences, holds 9 patents in the area of optoelectronics, and has co-founded two companies in the photonics sector.
Date Wednesday, Oct 30, 2019
Location 359 Terry Fox Drive, Kanata, Ontario
    11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Light Lunch and Networking
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM : Presentation and Q&A
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM  : Post Presentation Networking
Title of the Talk AI-Powered 5G Networks
& Beyond
Speaker  Hatem Abou-zeidÂ
5G Networks are anticipated
to transform modern societies by providing an ultra-reliable, high-speed
communications infrastructure that will connect billions of devices including
vehicles, machines, and sensors. Both the complexity of such networks and the
diversity of application requirements will be unprecedented. This mandates
novel, autonomous network configuration and operation that can anticipate and
react to changes in traffic, topology, and interference conditions to ensure
seamless quality of experience and reliability. In this talk I will discuss
AI-driven networking use-cases elaborating on the practical challenges of
industrial deployments. I will then highlight directions where research is
needed to further expedite and facilitate the development of AI-powered
Hatem Abou-zeid is a
Senior 5G Systems Designer at Ericsson Canada where he drives research and
system development for 5G radio access networks. Prior to that he held
industrial positions at CISCO Systems and Bell Labs in addition to postdoctoral
and research assistant affiliations at Queen’s University, Canada. His research
focuses on the application of machine learning in 5G networks with particular
emphasis on anticipatory and adaptive algorithms drawing on methods from
reinforcement learning, spatio-temporal forecasting, deep learning and
stochastic optimization. Dr. Abou-zeid is very passionate about developing
strong industry-university collaborations that foster applied, innovative
research, and he leads multiple academic partnerships on intelligence and
analytics in future networks.
IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer Program
Advanced semiconductor lasers:Ultra-low operating energy and heterogeneous integration with Si photonics devices
Shinji Matsuo, NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan
Abstract: The electrical power consumed in data transmission systems is now hampering efforts to further increase the speed and capacity at various scales, ranging from data centers to microprocessors. Optical interconnects employing an ultralow energy directly modulated lasers will play a key role in reducing the power consumption. Since a laser’s operating energy is proportional to the size of its active volume, developing high-performance lasers with a small cavity is important. For this purpose, we have developed membrane DFB and photonic crystal (PhC) lasers, in which active regions are buried with InP layer. Thanks to the reduction of cavity size and the increase in optical confinement factor, we have achieved extremely small operating energy and demonstrated 4.4-fJ/bit operating energy by employing wavelength-scale PhC cavity. Reduction of the cost is also important issue because huge number of transmitters are required for short distance optical links. For this purpose, Si photonics technology is expected to be a potential solution because it can provide large-scale phonic integrated circuits (PICs), which can reduce the assembly cost compared with transmitters constructed by discrete devices. Therefore, heterogeneous integration of III-V compound semiconductors and Si has attracted much attention. For fabricating these devices, we have developed wafer-scale fabrication procedure that employs regrowth of III-V compound semiconductors on directly bonded thin InP template on SiO2/Si substrate. A key to realize high-quality epitaxial layer is total thickness, which must be below the critical thickness, typically 430 nm. Thus, membrane structure is quite suitable for heterogeneous integration. I will talk about our recent progress, focusing on ultralow-powerconsumption directly modulated lasers and their photonic integrated circuit. I will also describe progress in heterogeneous integration of these lasers and Si photonics devices.
Bio: Dr. Matsuo received a B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, in 1986 and 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and applied physics from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2008. In 1988, he joined NTT Optoelectronics Laboratories, Atsugi, where he was engaged in research on photonic functional devices using MQW-pin modulators and VCSELs. In 1997, he researched optical networks using WDM technologies at NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Yokosuka. Since 2000, he has been researching InP-based photonic integrated circuits including fast tunable lasers and photonic crystal lasers at NTT Photonics Laboratories, Atsugi. Dr. Matsuo is a member of the IEEE Photonics Society, Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan.
On behalf of the conference organizing committee,
we invite you to the virtual Photonics North Conference on May 26-28,
2020. In the midst of a global crisis,
we look forward to meeting with all of you, our colleagues, as we carry on with
the work of advancing optical science and engineering. Join us for outstanding
plenary talks from inspirational thought leaders. Join us for the very best
work from respected and established researchers. Join us for talks from
emerging researchers, presenting what is surely the opening work of brilliant,
burgeoning careers.
Photonics and optics are finally seeing widespread adoption and significant growth into new markets. Photonic devices are being applied to sensing, communications, and even quantum computing. High speed fiber optics and highly integrated subsystems are essential to the rollout of 5G systems. There has never been a better time for research, development, and training in photonics and Photonics North is essential for developing and promoting the ecosystem.
Conference Chairs
Gord Harling
President and CEO, CMC Microsystems   Â
P. Scott Carney
The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester​   Â
Speaker:        Dr : Marin Soljacic, MIT
Date:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Wednesday
Aug 12th, 2020
Time: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 12:00
noon to 13:00
Title of the talk: Â Â Â Photonics:
a great testing-ground to develop new AI algorithms for science