Online Talk: AI in Modern Power and Energy Systems (Part II)

2020-05-27 @ 14:00 – 15:00

This seminar discusses the use of AI in modern power and energy systems, in particular electrical distribution networks.

About this Event

Driven by global environmental emission issues and tighter
requirements for system resilience and reliability, electricity
production is shifting from a centralized paradigm to a decentralized
one. In this context, renewable energy sources (RES) and electric
vehicles (EVs) have proliferated over the past decade, exhibiting a
steadily increasing trend. Thus, today, a large number of wind turbines,
photovoltaic (PV) panels, and EVs are connected to medium- (1-69 kV)
and low-voltage (=1 kV) grids, with traditional integrated bulk power
systems becoming decentralized in the presence of active distribution
networks, where the flow of power is bidirectional between generators
and “prosumers”. Such systems are typified by a high penetration of
metering infrastructures, generating a large volume of data, providing
the opportunity to harness the power of big data using data-driven

This seminar discusses the use of artificial
intelligence (AI) in modern power and energy systems, in particular
electrical distribution networks. Real-world examples of the use of AI
for energy storage systems optimization and control will be provided and

Key Focus

  • What are modern power systems control and optimization issues?
  • How data-driven techniques can help?
  • What is the state-of-the-art?
  • What is the path forward?

Admission is FREE! Everyone is welcome! Registration is required!


Mostafa Farrokhabadi is the Senior Director of Technology at
BluWave-ai. Concurrently, he serves as Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid. He has more than 8 years of experience in
designing mission critical grid solutions for industry and academia,
including technical leadership of a $6M international consortium in
electric grid modernization, and smart grids projects with Hatch and
Canadian Solar. Mostafa has (co)authored several articles in high-impact
journals, conference proceedings, and magazines, and holds patents on
intelligent control and optimization of renewable-penetrated grids.
Mostafa has also led the award-winning IEEE Power and Energy Society
Task Force on microgrid stability, an international coalition of 21
researchers from 14 institutions investigating stability issues in
microgrids. Mostafa obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer
Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He has also studied and
performed research in Sweden at KTH and Germany at KIT. During the
course of his career, Mostafa has received multiple business, research,
and teaching awards, including the prestigious University of Waterloo
Doctoral Thesis Completion Award and Ottawa’s Forty Under 40.

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