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IEEE Computational Intelligence Society /
Systems, Man and Cybernetics 

Ottawa Joint Chapter


About the chapter


November 11, 2014


Chapter AGM held


Our Annual General Meeting was held after the last technical presentation of the year. The chapter officers for the upcoming year were elected during the AGM. The officer slate for 2015 is as follows: Dr. Rafael Falcon was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair, Dr. George Yee and Dr. Qing Wang as chapter vice-chairs (representing the SMC and CI societies, respectively) and Dr. Julio Valdés as the government liaison officer.


November 11, 2014


Technical Talk: "State-of-the-Art Evolutionary Algorithms for Many-Objective Optimization"


A technical talk entitled "State-of-the-Art Evolutionary Algorithms for Many-Objective Optimization" was given by Professor Gary Yen from the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the Oklahoma State University. Professor Yen visited us as part of the IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer Program. The talk was held at Algonquin College, room P-215. We thank all the participants for their attendance and insightful comments.


March 12, 2014


Technical Talk: "What ROC Curves Can't Do (and Cost Curves Can)"

A technical talk entitled "What ROC Curves Can't Do (and Cost Curves Can)" was given by Dr. Chris Drummond from the Information and Communication Technologies Division of the National Research Council (NRC). The talk was held at the NRC M-50 auditorium. We thank all the participants for their attendance and insightful comments.


November 18, 2013


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after the last technical presentation of the year. The officer slate for 2014 is as follows: Dr. Moufid Harb was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair, Dr. George Yee and Dr. Rafael Falcon as chapter vice-chairs (representing the SMC and CI societies, respectively) and Dr. Julio Valdés as the government liaison officer.


November 18, 2013


Technical Talk: "Data-Driven Ensemble Learning with Deep Search and Class Rebalancing"


A technical talk entitled "Data-Driven Ensemble Learning with Deep Search and Class Rebalancing" was given by Professor Nathalie Japkowicz from the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department of the University of Ottawa. The talk was held at the NRC M-50 auditorium. We thank all the participants for their attendance and insightful comments.


December 14, 2012


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after the last technical presentation of the year. The officer slate for 2013 is as follows: Dr. Moufid Harb was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair while Dr. Julio Valdés and Dr. Rafael Falcon were acclaimed as chapter vice-chairs.


December 14, 2012


Technical Talk: "The Wealth of People: from the Management of Knowledge to the Governance of Social Computing and the Programmable Organization"


A technical talk entitled "The Wealth of People: from the Management of Knowledge to the Governance of Social Computing and the Programmable Organization" was given by John Verdon from the Office of the Chieft Scientist at DRDC Ottawa. The talk was held at the Colonel By building in the University of Ottawa. We thank all the participants for their attendance and insightful comments.


December 17, 2010


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Moufid Harb was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair for 2011, and Nizar Sakr and Julio Valdés were acclaimed to the positions of chapter vice-chairs for 2011.



December 04, 2009


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Nizar Sakr was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair for 2010, and Moufid Harb and Julio Valdés were acclaimed to the positions of chapter vice-chairs for 2010.



December 18, 2008


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Nizar Sakr was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair for 2009, and Moufid Harb and Julio Valdés were acclaimed to the positions of chapter vice-chairs for 2009.



December 19, 2007


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Julio Valdés was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair for 2008, and Nizar Sakr and Moufid Harb were acclaimed to the positions of chapter vice-chairs for 2008.



December 01, 2005


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Julio Valdés was acclaimed to the position of chapter chair for 2006, and Slawo Wesolkowski and Nizar Sakr were acclaimed to the positions of chapter vice-chairs for 2006.



December 15, 2004


Chapter AGM held


Our annual general meeting was held after our last technical presentation of the year was presented, where Rami Abielmona was voted in chapter chair for 2005, and Slawo Wesolkowski and Dmitry Gorodnichy were voted in chapter vice-chairs for 2005.



February 21, 2004


Society Name Change


IEEE Neural Networks Society changes its name to the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (the new name will only be effective when approved by the IEEE Board of Directors). For more information, view the following file (PDF format).


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