Shielded Enclosure Metrics

Speaker  :     Prof. Andy Marvin, University of York, UK

Topic    :     Shielded Enclosure Metrics

Date     :     Wednesday May 16, 2018

Time     :     5:00 PM  to 7:00 PM

Location :     FIDUS SYSTEMS Inc.,375 Terry Fox Dr. Ottawa, ON, K2K 0J8

Parking  :     Free 

Registration:  Free, and is on a first to reply basis.
               Preference given to IEEE EMC/MTT/AP/CPMT society members.  
               Seating is limited. E-mail Reservation is required.
               Pizza and soft drinks will be served. 
Organizer:     Dr. Syed Bokhari, Chairman, IEEE Ottawa EMC chapter
               Office :(613) 595 - 0507 Ext. 377, Cell: (613) 355 - 6632
               Dr. Qingsheng Zeng , Chairman of the IEEE Ottawa MTT/AP Chapters

               Professor Q.J. Zhang, Chairman of the IEEE Ottawa CPMT chapter


The lecture describes the author’s research over the past decade investigating better ways 
of defining and assessing the shielding performance of equipment enclosures.  The definition 
of enclosure Shielding Effectiveness and its limitations are reviewed. 
Then recent research on the use of surrogate contents to replicate real electronic enclosure 
contents is described leading to alternative definitions of enclosure shielding performance. 
Latterly, the work has concentrated on shielding of equipment enclosures in the microwave 
frequency range. Measurement techniques exploiting the reverberant nature of the enclosures 
are described. 
The work has contributed to the recently released IEEE Std 299.1 on the measurement of equipment 
enclosure shielding. The HUAWEI Corporation has sponsored the research since 2014.


Andy Marvin is Professor Emeritus in the University of York’s Department of Electronic Engineering. 
He received his BEng, MEng and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the 
University of Sheffield between 1972 and 1979. From 1977 to 1979 he was with the British 
Aircraft Corporation at Filton, Bristol, UK working on antenna design and EMC. 

He was appointed to a Lectureship in Electronics at the University of York in the UK in 
1979 and promoted to Professor of Applied Electromagnetics in 1995. He retired in December 
2017 and was appointed as Professor Emeritus in February 2018.

He was appointed as Technical Director of York EMC Services at its founding in 1995. 
He resigned his directorship when the company was acquired by Eurofins in June 2017.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and an IEEE Life Fellow. 

He was Vice-Chairman of the IEEE Std-299 Working Group on Shielding Effectiveness Measurement,
 and is currently Vice-Chairman of the IEEE EMC Society Standards Advisory and Co-ordination 
Committee. From 1994 to 2015 he was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on EMC. 

He was a member of the UK National Measurement System Advisory Panels on Innovation Research 
and Development and Materials and Modelling from 2008 to 2015. He has contributed lectures on 
Antennas and on Shielding to the IEEE EMCS Global University and Chaired its Faculty in 2010.

His main research interests are EMC measurement and modelling techniques, EMC antennas and 
electromagnetic shielding measurement and modelling. To date, starting in 1976, he is author 
over 300 papers. In 1992, he and Dr Stuart Porter invented the Bilog EMC measurement antenna.

He is a founder member of the International Steering Committee of EMC Europe conferences, 
Conference Chair of EMC Europe 2011 (York) and Chair of the EMC Europe International Steering 
Committee for 2015 – 2018. He was President of the York Society of Engineers (2014/16) and 
is Chief Flying Instructor at the York Gliding Centre.

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