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Joint chapter of the Technology Management Council, Professional Communication Society and Society on Social Implications of Technology

The IEEE Ottawa TMC/SSIT/PCS joint chapter TM14/SIT30/PC26) was created in 2008 to better serve members interested in engineering management, technology management, social implications of technology, and professional (written, web, etc) communications.
PCS is dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication in engineering, scientific, and other technical environments. Its interests include the study, preparation, production, delivery, use, improvement, and promotion of human communication in all media in engineering and other technical and professional environments.
SSIT focuses on environmental, economics, health, and safety implications of technology; engineering ethics and professional responsibility; engineering education in social implications of technology; history of electrotechnology; technical expertise and public policy; peace technology; as well as on social issues related to energy, information technology and telecommunications.
The Technology Management Council (TMC) was formed in 2007 as new structure for the Engineering Management Society (EMS). Chapters which were EMS Chapters in 2007, including the Ottawa EMS Chapter, are now TMC chapters. The TMC member societies are:

Broadcast Technology Society, Circuits & Systems Society, Communications Society, Computer Society, Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, Electron Devices Society, Industrial Electronics Society, Photonics Society, Professional Communication Society, Reliability Society, Signal Processing Society, Solid State Circuits Society, Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Vehicular Technology Society

Tuesday May 21, 2013

Jointly organized by IEEE Ottawa AICN; TMC/PCS/SSIT Joint Chapter and GOLD

Paul E. Gartz is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS), he is visiting Ottawa as part of distingushed lecturer canada east area tour. Paul is a member of the Boeing Technical Fellowship,former president of IEEE AESS, and IEEE global lecturer is the invited speaker. With over forty years of experience in large-scale and multi-billion dollar programs on commercial, defense, and civil project in aerospace and communications industries, Paul will talk about “Systems-of-Systems (SoS) & Systems Engineering”.
The world continues to become more technical, more integrated and more complicated. “Systems”, with their human interfaces, now abound, and these have become much more interconnected resulting in societal-changing capabilities. Is there a way to both increase business opportunities and address these issues? Now emergent are what are called “Systems-of-Systems (SoSs)”. These are a new way to view and optimize the interdependencies of major groupings of large numbers of products, services, technologies, information and humans that together provide higher societal functions. One example is air transportation where the assemblage of airplanes, radars, satellites, ground stations, airlines, weather, airports, etc. form a global, air transportation SoS. The talk will review 21st century best practices for advanced, systems engineering and systems thinking. It can be practically applied at any level of complexity or size to improve business and technical results. As a national skill base, it can advance whole industry sectors and even a country for competitive advantage at a global and GDP level. Japan vividly demonstrated this via the Toyota method from the 1960s onward.

Date & Time
Tuesday May 21, 2013
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Event Location
University of Ottawa, SITE Building, Room 5084 (University of Ottawa campus map)

Paid parking at and near the university; very good public transport access.

Room size is limited and registration is on a first come basis; send an e-mail to both: Barbara Waruszynski , chapter SSIT vice-chair) or Alfredo Herrera, (TMC/SSIT/PCS chapter chair).

Tuesday May 28, 2013

Jointly organized by IEEE Ottawa AICN; TMC/PCS/SSIT Joint Chapter and Photonics Chapter

Ellen Grove is an Agile coach who helps teams to do better work by coaching them to create the circumstances in which they can work most productively and effectively. Her Agile coaching practice is founded in over 15 years experience leading software testing, development, and implementation teams in global enterprises; a passion for exploratory software testing and user-centered design; and a background in community organization. Ellen uses team-building and facilitation approaches to support the transition to collaborative Agile work practices at the team, managerial, and corporate levels. She has also conquered the challenges of extending Scrum roll-outs to off-shore development partners and multi-site project teams for large enterprise and public sector clients. Ellen presents frequently at Agile conferences: in 2012-2013 , the list includes San Francisco Agile 2012, Agile Open NYC 2012, Agile Tour Montreal and Ottawa 2012, Agile Games 2013. In addition to holding an Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science degree from McMaster University, Ellen is a Certified Scrum Master, an Open Space facilitator, and a StrategicPlay® certified facilitator in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods.

Date & Time
Tuesday May 28, 2013
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


  • 6:30pm networking (30 min)
  • 7:00pm presentation and Q/A (60 min)
  • 8:00pm networking (30 min)

Event Location
Algonquin College, Building T, Room T.129: 1385 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa (Algoquin Woodroof campus map)

No fee after 5 p.m. at the Parking Lots 8 & 9. Please respect restricted areas.

Room size is limited and registration is on a first come basis; send an e-mail to both: Wahib Thabet, chapter TMC vice-chair) and Bhagvat Joshi, (AICN chapter chair).

We welcome you to submit suggested topics for presentations. If you wish to volunteer to help organise a seminar, do not hesitate and contact TMC/PCS/SSIT Officers:

You may become a member at

(Modified: 13-May, 2013)